Graduate Applications

Applications for MPhil and PhD programmes are continuous. Prospective MPhil/PhD applicants can make their application below .

How to apply for admission

Before Applying

Make sure the following documents are readily available

An e-mail address is required for one to apply online

Completing your Application

Each applicant can submit two applications. Each application should have its own separate application fee, else one of them will be rejected.

Tracking your Application

Making Changes

General Information

Applications will be processed to determine eligibility, the outcome of which will be communicated to the applicants accordingly.

Applicants should ensure that they provide correct personal e-mail address and cell-phone numbers as the outcome of their applications will be communicated through such media.

For any enquiries, kindly contact the School of Graduate Studies Admissions office at telephone numbers (00267) - 3552960/2861/4712/4690/2862 ; or email: