[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-
Dear [Recipients Name],
Good day! I am Dr. Alexander Harris, a family physician under the Polymedic Group of Physicians.
I would like to refer to you Harvey Adams, an 11-year old boy who I have monitored since he was five years old. He is being sent to live with his grandparents, and it would be inconvenient for him to have to come here for his regular medical check-ups. I am confident that your clinic is very able to see to the health needs of this child.
Please do accept him under your care.
[Senders Name]
[Senders Title] -Optional-
[Enclosures: number] - Optional -
cc: [Name of copy recipient] - Optional -
Further things to consider when writing referral letters to doctors, nurses, hospitals
Referral letters are letters written to recommend someone for a job, review, consultation, or further action. Such letters are common in job application and can really help you stand out from the rest of the applicants and get noticed by potential employers. Hiring managers are more likely to look closely at applicants whom they share a mutual contact with. A referral can be a personal or business connection. He/she can be a friend, colleague, or an employee of the company in which you are interested. A good referral letter can help you secure an interview or job recommendation.
When writing referral letters, you need to know the people you are recommending well enough to bring the best of their skills, achievements, and character. State why the recipient should be interested in the candidate and how the candidate stands out. List the candidate's exceptional skills and qualities especially those that are specific to the position he/she is interested in, giving relevant examples. Write only complimentary but factual observations and avoid giving biased or insincere praise. Emphasize the key points that you want the recipient to note on the candidate's application. Close the letter with a positive call to action.
Letters to doctors, nurses, and hospitals are, simply, letters written to doctors, nurses, hospitals and/or any other physician or qualified practitioner of medicine. Such letters could be inquiry letters to inquire after patients' medical records or thank-you letters to thank the recipients for saving the life of loved ones. In rare cases, letters to doctors, nurses, and hospitals could be complaint letters to file a complaint about inadequate medical care. All letters to doctors, nurses, and hospitals are formal in nature. Depending on the content, the letters can be addressed to individuals or to all relevant bodies.
There are few things that you should keep in mind when writing letters to doctors, nurses, and hospitals. For starters, you need to address the letters to the right persons. State the purpose of your letter from the word go. If you are writing to thank a specific doctor who saved your life, for instance, mention the name of the doctor and pass your message accordingly. If you are writing to ask for your medical records, provide any relevant information that may be required by the hospital. Close the letter by asking for a response or by calling the recipient to action.